About us

Core expertise

At Sayfield, years of experience in the use and development of simulation programs have resulted in unique expertise.

As the prime developer of the simulation program BAMMS, during his work at the Delft University of Technology and at the TNO Road-Vehicles institute, Chris Verheul gained a vast amount of experience in developing and using Multi-Body codes for modeling complex mechanical systems. BAMMS, a Bondgraph-based program, generated system equations in a symbolic way. Therefore, the calculation speed of BAMMS models was extremely high. Already in 1995, a Real-Time model was made of a MARS Rover and was used as a demonstrator for Tele-operation studies.

The name Sayfield International

The parts of the word Sayfield can be explained in the following manner:

  • Say: Saying something is (usually) the result of mental activity,
  • Field can be seen as representing the more material things in life such as the mechanical products where professional services of Sayfield International are applied for.

In this explanation, the word Sayfield can be seen as a representation of Virtual Prototyping. In the design and analysis of new products, mathematical tools are used increasingly. Until recently, new product design and evaluation were mainly supported by material prototyping. As a result of the increasing importance of computers and software tools, it has become possible to use mathematical models for the complete design and evaluation of new mechanical products.

Employees of Sayfield International have created and evaluated mathematical simulation environments since 1985. Since these days, extensive experience and knowledge were gained about the different aspects of this prototyping approach.

We have applied simulation tools to model and analyze vehicles (both on and off the road) and other mechanical systems. Dynamic vehicle behavior and non-linear analysis of large deformation and three-dimensional motions of vehicles and other mechanical products have been the key subject of numerous research projects.

Our experience has contributed to a work approach where evaluation and verification have become a key aspect before the application of simulation results. Knowledge of pitfalls in using the virtually unlimited power of mathematical simulation tools is a crucial difference to less experienced researchers in this work area.

Sayfield International: Located in Zegveld

The word Sayfield is a literal translation of the Dutch word Zegveld. Zegveld, a small village in the Netherlands, is the home base of Sayfield International. In Multi-Body sense, Zegveld is approximately the topological center of gravity of the Netherlands.

The Zeg in Zegveld originates from the word Zegge, which is a kind of sharp leaved reed common in the swampy meadows around Zegveld in ancient centuries.

Sayfield International: Local Expertise with Global Support

Using the name of the home base village in the name of our company illustrates the ambition to be available as close as possible to our customers. At the same time, Sayfield International is supported by the expertise of the world-wide offices of Altair Engineering, CM-Labs and MSC-Software. This means that we can give the best support in using Multi-Body Simulations for modeling and simulation of mechanical products.